
Special Refund Policy for Travelling from/to Mainland China

Lanmei AirLines 2020-01-24 15:41:15

Considering the latest situation of epidemic in Wuhan, China, for each passenger’s well-being, Lanmei Airlines arranges a special refund policy for travelling from/to Mainland China.

1.     Applicable Scope

Tickets issued on or before January 27, 2020 with 961 ticket stock, involving flights from/to Mainland China operated by Lanmei Airlines, whose travelling dates are between January 28, 2020 and February 29, 2020.

2.     Handling

For unused portions of tickets, from the issuing date of this policy onwards, passengers could apply for a full refund from your travel agents, without paying any refund fee or related fee.

NOSHOW passengers are not applicable to this policy.

For passengers who purchased group tickets (travel packages), please contact your travel agencies for handling.

The latest news would be updated in our official website Thank you!

Lanmei Airlines (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd.

January 28, 2020